Reflecting on 2020

Finding the Gems
Hello CCS Global Tech and Helm360 clients, partners, family, and friends,
2020 has been an unusual year. I think we’re all ready for it to end. Happily, news of a coronavirus vaccine is percolating in the headlines; relief is in sight! In the meantime, we’re entering the holiday season and the new year in a muted state of celebration – but celebrate, we will.
It’s difficult to look back on 2020 and see anything positive. However, as I reflect on the year, I do find gems of goodness and progress despite the disruption this pandemic has caused. I’d like to share them with you.
First, we’re still fully operational. Our employees, consultants, and clients adroitly made the switch to remote work, allowing us to meet our commitments and keep our teams working. I’m immensely grateful for this.
Second, although we took our share of bumps and bruises, our teams showed extraordinary resilience and achieved many successes we’re proud of:
- Helm360 focused on getting Termi, their AI solution, into attorneys’ hands to help them work more effectively. The Helm360 team also facilitated many clients’ transitions to remote work and strengthened their digital environments.
- CCS Learning Academy moved their entire training catalog online to accommodate social distancing guidelines. They also fostered partnerships and collaborations to bring on-trend courses and certifications to trainees in a variety of industries.
- Our Government Division had three significant wins this year that furthered established relationships and created new ones.
- PCS Global Tech rebounded from significant COVID-related setbacks by re-inventing itself into a more flexible and responsive entity. They’re finishing the year by graduating their first fully-remote cohort of IT professionals.
And finally, our biggest 2020 accomplishment: helping our clients make it through. The global upheaval has demonstrated how crucial digital-readiness is to business’ survival. It’s been deeply gratifying to facilitate our clients’ adaptability, sustainability, and preparedness by providing the resources, knowledge, and experience necessary to strengthen and safeguard their digital landscapes – and, by extension, their livelihoods.
This brings me to the most important gem I see in 2020: our connection to each other.
It may sound odd, but this has been a year of coming together (albeit from a distance). From extending comfort to offering support, 2020’s crisis has evoked our inherent kindness, generosity, and goodwill. At CCS Global Tech, we’re maintaining our community engagement programs as well as keeping an eye out for local opportunities where we can lend a helping hand. I encourage you to do the same. Be it a cash donation, a bag of food, or a reusable garment, your small gift has a huge impact – not only to the person who receives it, but to our entire community.
We still have a way to go before we’re out of the coronavirus woods. Please stay vigilant. If there’s any way our company can help yours weather the storm, please let us know. We’re happy to help.
I hope you and your family are safe, healthy, and enjoying the holiday season.
Best wishes for the New Year,
Raminder Singh
CEO & Founder